How to make sure you get planning permission on the first application?

Planning an extension?

How to make sure our planning application is granted permission?

When you are looking to extend or build a new home, gaining planning permission is a key step in the process. Here are our recommendations to making the process as smooth and successful as possible.

Where do I find a good architect to submit for planning permission?

Ideally, find someone who has worked in your area. The planning process is there to permit development not to stop it, but illustrating an understanding of setting in the design is key. The design doesn’t have to be traditional, it can be contemporary, but it must relate to its context. A good architect will put in the extra legwork to show how the design responds positively to the surroundings and how it complies with planning policy.  Be prepared to  have a local planning consultant draw up a planning statement to accompany the planning application for particularly challenging sites.

 Make sure your architect refers in the design statement to local planning policy and relevant Supplementary Design Documents which are all available on the council’s website.

SKETCHES, VISUALISATIONS, MODELS - It sounds obvious but provide detailed, clear, contextual drawings along with a design statement and photos of the site. Visualisations of the design in context can also really help, as can taking a model to the planning officer’s site visit.

How much does a householder planning application cost?

The fees for planning submissions have increased.  £328 for a householder alterations/ extension, £648 for a new single dwelling.  Permitted development is cheaper currently at £199 for a single house extension. Refer to the planning portal fee calculator as fees will vary pending on the type of applicaiton and if the house is listed or in a conservation area. (costs correct as if 19/12/2024)

Should I submit for pre application advise?

Some councils offer meetings for free but it is becoming more commonplace to have to apply and pay for this advice. Check the Council’s planning section of their website as each council is different. This can save time by ensuring your proposal is on the right track and will highlight which planning policies are key to your application.

Do I need planning permission or can I extend under permitted development?

Explore what can be done under Permitted Development. It may be that you can achieve more this way or by combining two applications for planning and a second for permitted development to maximise the size of your home. There is a clear online guide and downloadable technical guide on the planning portal website.

Should I let my neigbhours know about my planning submission?

I would always suggest speaing to your neighbours before you put in the application as they are less likely to submit an objection.  More than three negative comments could result in the application going to committee which is often more challenging, rather than being determined by the planning officer under  ‘designated power.’

Ask your architect to draft a simple flyer with key details of the proposals for your neighbours.  If you don't alter them they will likely be notified by flyers from party wall surveyors looking for business so best to warn them about this and what you are proposing.

can I appeal a planning decision if it is refused?

Yes, appeal if necessary which is free to do so but will take time for your architect to draft. You may also want to submit a new application . Householder applications for appeal can be submitted up to ten weeks from notification of application outcome but take a considerable amount of time to determine, averaging 20 weeks in 2024.

How long does it take to get planning permission?

A planning application takes 8 weeks from validation and this is the target councils are expected to meet. Some will ask for an extension to determine the application and some will take a few weeks to validate it before the 8 week period.

For pre application each council takes different amounts of time. Richmond take 30 days from advise to respond and fees vary pending on the type of buld and if the home is listed.  Kingston aims to take 4 weeks for online responce to a submission and you can request a meeting or written advise. Check out the council's planning pages for up to date information.

Allow for longer if you are looking at an ambitious scheme. Your dream home may take time to get planning but the small cost of the planning application and the time is worth it if you can add greater area and therefore value to your home.


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COPYRIGHT SOPHIE BATES ARCHITECTS. This article is a guide and it not advice. All projects are different.

Good luck with your build!