1930s Extension and refurbishment, Surrey.

Sophie Bates Architects sketch plan extension surrey.jpgSophie Bates Architects Kitchen design extension surrey.jpgSophie Bates Architects dining room design extension surrey.jpgSophie Bates Architects 1930s extension Kingston night w1.jpg

96sqm extension to be added to a 1930's semi in Kingston to create a stunning family home.

The 1930’s semi-detached house in Kingston was bought in 2019 by Dave and Meg to create a family home for them and their two young children.  The house was in a poor state, with half-finished construction in areas.  The floor layout didn’t flow and there was no real connection to the large triangular shaped, east facing garden.  

 Key to the brief was to make the kitchen and living area the focus of their home.  The kitchen, dining and living area are open plan, with materials and ceiling treatment vary to define these, with exposed timber joists to the dining ceiling, painted brick wall  and a wall of joinery to the back of the living room.   Reference to the 1930s is made through the herringbone pattern in the brickwork and to the flooring.

 Colour is used throughout the home – particularly in more detailed design areas such as the kitchen, bathrooms and joinery, so from every view you have a glimpse of colour drawing you through.

 Externally the form and materials are simple, economical and honest – red brick carefully detailed with render to the first floor.  Two large sliding doors connect to the garden.  New crittal style windows and insulation to part of the existing first floor throughout greatly improve the thermal performance of the home

We were told by our builders and quantity surveyor that Sophie was the best architect they had ever worked with and seeing our beautiful home now I would say they were right. Her vision and ability to execute it into your home is truly amazing. We would recommend Sophie to anyone.
Meg and Dave
Project Information
Location: Surrey
Price: Confidential
Client: Dave and Meg