Light stairs - Putney London

Light-house-Sophie-Bates-Architects-contemporary-basement-stair-London-5855Light house Sophie Bates Architects contemporary stairLight-house-Sophie-Bates-Architects-contemporary-basement-stair-LondonLight-house-Sophie-Bates-Architects-contemporary-basement-stair-London-1567.jpgLight-house-Sophie-Bates-Architects-contemporary-basement-blue-stair-London-5939Light house Sophie Bates Architects contemporary stair

Carefully detailed glass, steel and timber staircase to a London home

The concept for the staircase was to allow as much light through to the basement stairwell below as possible and create a statement within the space to add drama. The subtle recessed handrail and vertically hung glass create a simple, elegant design which connects the contemporary basement to the period hallway above and allows for a maximum width of stair to be achieved.

A number of models were made to explore ideas. The structural engineer was key to establishing how far we could push the concept while maintaining an elegant and carefully detailed design. The zigzag treads and risers provide stability to the design, avoiding any fixings to the walls which allowed the treads to appear to float.

Structural Engineer – Structure Workshop

Lighting Designer – LightIQ

Sophie Bates Architects designed the stairs which form part of the collaborative project The Light House.

The house really looks amazing you did a great job thank you
Private client, The Light House, Putney